Glam Phone

by - Monday, April 30, 2012

I can't help but blog about this ultra chic phone. I bought this phone yesterday and I can't get over with its cuteness haha! When I brought it at home yesterday, I told them to guess what I was holding, and they said it's a new make up kit! I'm telling you, it's a must have for every fashionista. It comes with two colors- mystery pink and light chrome. The price is quite reasonable for just Php3599! So what are you waiting for guys? Get yours now!

Need I say more about it's girly features? You see that blue F thing? Yes that's facebook app, I know everyone is FB addict here, no need to browse for the app, its just right in front of your very eye. And oh, it has twitter app too. It's the very perfect accessory for your busy social life! Fashion and Tech combined in ONE TOUCH. Visit their PAGE for more specs and features

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